National Safety Council First Aid/CPR/AED – Train the Trainer Course

National Safety Council First Aid/CPR/AED - Train the Trainer Course


05/02/2019 - 05/03/2019    
8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Bookings closed


Bermac Safety
8100 Roswell Rd., Suite 410, Atlanta, GA, 30350
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Knowing how to respond to a medical emergency is one of the most important skills a person can possess. The NSC First Aid, CPR & AED course meets the OSHA requirements and is your tool for training employees or the general public on the latest skills, techniques and expertise in life-saving procedures. The practice and feedback of using related skills in a realistic situation is integrated into the actual teaching experience and are taught in a dynamic and hands-on way with industry-leading curriculum.

What you’ll learn:

During this course you will learn new methods that involve, influence and facilitate adult learning while refining your teaching skills. The course covers a proven, standardized method of teaching first aid, CPR and AED with high effectiveness and you will be provided with the reasons and dynamics behind each topic or visual presentation.

In addition to the NSC First Aid, CPR & AED course Candidate Instructors will learn:

  • Resources for Adult Educators
  • How to teach and facilitate a First Aid, CPR and AED training class
  • Recommended Course Preparation Steps
  • Pre-Course Activities
  • What makes a successful instructor
  • Teaching Methods
  • Manage Participants
  • Testing and Remediation
  • Facilitation Skills Practice
  • Post-Course Activities

Upon successful completion, you will be required to sign a Training Center/Instructor agreement.

The Instructor class includes the complete Instructor Resource Kit:

  • Instructor Manual
  • Instructor CD
  • Instructor DVD
  • Student Workbook

Cost of class does not include $80 registration fee with National Safety Council, manikins, or other training aids.  Registration with National Safety Council and Trainer Agreement must be executed every two years to maintain trainer status.


Bookings are closed for this event.